This holiday season, you can join the millions of readers worldwide who love The Wheel of Time. Here’s your chance to get all fourteen books in the series, including The Wheel of Time Companion. Plus, we’ll be including a special edition opens in a new windowhookmark and A Memory of Light backpack with this prize.
And that’s not all! The winner will also receive a second set of books and a backpack to give to a friend.
Don’t miss your chance to win the entire The Wheel of Time series (and to become the best gift giver ever). Sign up for the Tor Newsletter to enter for your chance to win now!
About our newsletter: Each issue features original articles by upcoming authors, essays from editors, links to interesting genre content from around the web, and more. In addition, we occasionally send out “special edition” newsletters to highlight particularly exciting new projects, programs, or events. opens in a new windowRead a sample here >>
If you’re already a newsletter subscriber, you can enter too. We do not automatically enter subscribers into sweepstakes. We promise we won’t send you duplicate copies of the newsletter if you sign up for the newsletter more than once.
This promotion ended on December 15, 2015***
oh please oh please oh please
well… wish I could join…
SO Awesome! Wow what a great sweepstakes! Thanks Tor!
This is for USA and Canada only, will you also be have a draw for the rest of the world, i.e. Australia?
Sadly, no. We won’t be having other offers for other countries. All our sweepstakes are US/CAN only. We wish we could open them up to other countries. Legally, we aren’t allowed.
What law is that? I have entered other TOR competitions, such as the ARC-comp for Stormlight Archive with no problem and I’m Swedish.
Every country has different sweepstakes laws. I’m not sure what sweepstakes you are referring to, but we never ran one for a Stormlight ARC that was open outside of the US or Canada.
is the reason i cannot enter because I am 20? if so, that really sucks, as I have read all of the books to date. if not, and its just a time issue, then ah well, I’ll check back in tommorrow.
That sounds like a glitch. Sorry about that. Feel free to email your details to and we’ll get you entered on our end. Thanks.
Sounds awesome
Weird, I should be eligible but when I click submit I’m meet with
“Sorry, you cannot be registered at this time.”
That is weird. Sorry for the glitch. Please email us all your details to and we’ll make sure you get entered. Thanks.
I’m not an US resident, but I’ve family who lives there… Can I still subscribe and the prize be sent to them on my behalf?
Only US/CAN residents can enter the sweepstakes. Your family members who lives in the US can enter the sweepstakes on their own if they like.
another WoT competition only for US and Canada residents………again European and world wide fans left out……..if i pay for postage if i win can i enter???
Sorry! It’s only open to US/CAN residents. We wish we could open our sweepstakes up to more countries. Legally, we aren’t allowed.
it really bugs me that the publisher will publish a book series in a country or region but will then only run competitions for the country they are based in. Even a small token competition for a Amazon gift certificate $25 or $30 just enough to be able to buy a copy of a book and pay for shipping something to show that even if the US laws will not allow them to included other countries in their sweep state competitions, other US companies seem to have no issues with running competitions and their including international fans and customers.
We understand your frustration. We wish we could open up sweepstakes to more countries. Legally, however, we aren’t allowed.
This is awesome! My husband and I love these books and this would be the perfect Christmas present for him and our oldest daughter who is just starting the series.
I remember being in 12 grade and my mom got me the first book for my birthday. Five months after my grandfather died to help me get over him dying. I’ll never forget it and I have waited and read every book over and over. Having the whole set around be terrific.
Currently rereading for the second time and I’ve even played the rpg! Great stuff!
5 years ago I met my wife at the library. She was working there and she recommended “Wheel of Time” to me. I’ve read everyone and my wife and I have been together since. I hope I win, this would be an amazing gift.
My husband loves these books, I hope to win for him.
This is an amazing give away! I really have my fingers crossed and hope i got entered correctly ????
Don’t i wish, we names my Daughter Aviendha Moiraine
So cool!!! I have read this series 4 times! My 17 year old is on book three!!! I hope i win so that she can have her own set but good luck to you!
Will the second set of the series be in the same version of the paperback as the first? Like, if the first set has the new covers will the second have the older covers? Also, does this include two copies of New Spring or just of the original 14 books and the companion? Sorry if this is a lot of questions, I’m just really enthusiastic about this sweepstakes and the series.
The winner gets two sets of the new trade paperback editions of the original 14 books, plus two hardcover WoT Companions.
A series that I will never forget. (and probably never put down) Honestly the reason i love reading so much is because i got hooked these books. Win or lose you guys are the best!
This would be awsome. I can’t wait to see who wins. It is my favorite series of any I have ever read. I don’t know how many times I’ve read the series, I know I read it every time they came put with a new book. And at least once a year for 24 years or so. Robert Jordan is a legend as far as I’m concerned.
I can not say the number of times I have read these books. They are hands down the most epic story ever told.
Such a fantastic world that has been woven!!! I can’t wait to read them again
Ultimate gift. A must have even if I have to buy them.
Well those look better than my copies that are duct taped together!
This is too awesome, my birthday is Dec 21 so that would be a great bday since my son had damaged most of our set.
Love the wheel of time.
These books, the minute you picked them up, you couldn’t stop till they were finished!!
awesome series!
So glad I’m not from Canada, math and I don’t get along.
“If an entrant selected in the drawing is a resident of Canada, to be declared a winner he/she must correctly answer, without assistance of any kind, a time-limited mathematical skill-testing question to be administered by telephone or email.”
I have read these books at least 10 time each. I even have the audio books for the long drives. Are you thinking about making and selling a Memory of Light backpack for the public?
Sorry! We only made that as a promotional item. We won’t be selling it.
Hoping I win… Big fan of WOT
maximum want
The truly wonderful thing about this is the second copy. I would love to share my books but too often they are not returned so I keep them safe at home! What a fabulous idea!! WTG!
I love this series. One of the best EVER!!! I loved Robert Jordan may he rest in peace…
Side note…For anyone who reads this post… Try Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Legacy series… You will NOT regret it!!!
I love this series I named my first born daughter after Aviendha 😀 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I even got my mom into these books 😛
one of my favorite series of all time
Addictive read
To whomever wins: pick up “New Spring” as well. I’m just now finishing that one, it’s a great addition to the series. 🙂
I could really use a happy surprise in my life right now. Please
Great series thanks for the promo
Thank you for the opportunity!
Sherry Grandt
Thank you for the opportunity
It’s time to toss the dice!
So I’ve tried multiple times to get an entry into this contest and it WILL NOT let me. Is there something I’m doing wrong, or another way to enter. This is like a perfect dream contest.
Sorry you are experiencing a technical glitch when you try to enter. Please feel free to email us your details to and we’ll get you entered. Thanks.
When are the winners chosen?
December 16th.
How do we find out who won?
Fingers crossed! Would love to give the second set to my partner so we could read it as a couple <3
Do not say I didn’t warn ya.
will not let me put my postal code in
Sorry you are experiencing a technical glitch when you try to enter. Please feel free to email us your details to and we’ll get you entered. Thanks.
I started with the first audio book while I drove over the road. Now my WOT collection is all audio. It would be nice to have hard copies!
Thanks for the opportunity, best series I’ve ever read.
Love this series
Have the winners been announced?
I think today is the day!! Ahh!!
Have the winners been announced?
Who were the winners?