The ebook edition of opens in a new windowMiss Violet and the Great War by Leanna Renee Hieber is on sale now for only $2.99! Get your copy today!
opens in a new windowAbout opens in a new windowMiss Violet and the Great War:
From childhood, Violet Rychman has dreamed of a coming war, of death and battle on an unimaginable scale. She has seen and heard ghosts, who have loved and guided her.
Now the future she dreamed has come to pass. World War I rages across Europe. Millions of people are dying; entire villages are disappearing.
A great and terrible vision sweeps over Violet, offering powers heralded by the Muses of antiquity. The ability to impact people’s memories, even shape their thoughts. To guide their souls. To pass between the world of the living and that of the dead and to bring others through that passage.
These and other gifts once belonged to people Violet loved. Now they are hers, and she must use them to attempt to stop death itself.
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This sale ends 12/31/2019.