We are in a time of social distancing, but your favorite Tor authors are still coming to screens near you in the month of August! Check out where you can find them here:
Kit Rocha, opens in a new windowDeal with the Devil
Tuesday, August 4
Tor After Dark
Instagram Live
7:00 PM ET
Daniel Kraus, opens in a new windowThe Living Dead
Tuesday, August 4
Powell’s in conversation with Mary Roach
opens in a new windowZoom
6:00 PM PT
Wednesday, August 5
Book Soup in conversation with Grady Hendrix
opens in a new windowCrowdcast
6:00 PM PT’
Thursday, August 6
Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore, in conversation with Josh Malerman
opens in a new windowCrowdcast
7:00 PM PT
Tuesday, August 11
Anderson’s Bookshop, in conversation with Megan Abbott
opens in a new windowZoom
8:30 PM CT
Wednesday, August 12
Doylestown Bookshop, reading and Q & A with Gabino Iglesias
opens in a new windowZoom
6:30 PM ET
Thursday, August 20
Fountain Bookstore, in Conversation with Stephanie Kuehn
opens in a new windowRegister here
6:00 PM ET
Mary Robinette Kowal, opens in a new windowThe Relentless Moon
Wednesday, August 5
University Bookstore in conversation with Fonda Lee
opens in a new windowZoom
6:00 PM PT
Friday, August 7
Poisoned Pen, in conversation with Pat King
8:00 PM ET
Saturday, August 8
Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester
2:00 PM ET
John Scalzi, The Last Emperox
Thursday, August 6
Kepler’s in conversation with Lindsay Ellis
4:00 PM ET
Mary Robinette Kowal, opens in a new windowThe Relentless Moon and Kate Elliott, opens in a new windowUnconquerable Sun
Thursday, August 6
Riverstone Books, authors in conversation
7:00 PM ET
Brian Naslund, opens in a new windowSorcery of a Queen, Curtis Craddock, opens in a new windowThe Last Uncharted Sky
Tuesday, August 11
Old Firehouse Books, authors in conversation
opens in a new windowRegister here
7:00 PM MT
David Mack, opens in a new windowThe Shadow Commission
Thursday, August 13
Tubby & Coo’s Mid-City Book Shop
opens in a new windowStreamyard
6:00 PM CT
Lavie Tidhar, opens in a new windowBy Force Alone
Sunday, August 16
Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore, in conversation with Silvia Moreno-Garcia
opens in a new windowCrowdcast
1:00 PM PT
Saturday, August 22
Chevalier’s Books in conversation with Ian McDonald
opens in a new windowRegister Here
12:00 PM ET
Gregory Benford and Larry Niven, Glorious
Thursday, August 20
Midtown Reader
opens in a new windowRegister Here
6:00 PM ET
Jenn Lyons, The Memory of Souls
Tuesday, August 25
Read It Again Books
opens in a new windowStreamyard
7:00 PM ET
Wednesday, August 26
Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore
opens in a new windowZoom
7:00 PM PT
Friday, August 28
Toadstool Bookshop
4:00 PM ET