
Interview with Leanna Renee Hieber

The Eterna Files by Leanna Renee HieberThe Eterna Files, the latest novel by author Leanna Renee Hieber, goes on sale February 10. We had the chance to ask Leanna a few questions about her exciting new novel.

Will you tell us a little about The Eterna Files and what inspired you to write it?

I had been watching (binge-watching) every season of the BBC’s spy show MI-6. All 10 seasons. I was doing this while my fabulous editor Melissa Singer and I were first discussing what kind of Gaslamp Fantasy I wanted to write for Tor. I fell in love with a lot of the dynamics on MI-6 and thought, what if I could ‘paranormal’ and ‘Victorian’ that?

Because I’m me, the idea then proceeded to explode in radical proportions. I take an inspiration/idea and it fans out into a thousand things and avenues I didn’t expect. ‎Chiefly, I didn’t initially expect the American side of this parallel narrative would take up as much space as they ended up demanding. But as I allow my characters to be who they determine they are, I had to allow for just as feisty and quirky a team to take up half the pages as much as my darkly odd British team.

What did you enjoy most about writing it, and what was most challenging?

What I loved about it and what’s most challenging is the very same thing; tracking the dual narrative of the two teams. That’s also been the chief challenge for some readers too. But I truly promise you that if you’re patient and let the story unfold around you and sink yourself into the tale, there’s a lot for you to engage with; there in the murky gas-lit shadows of two worlds trapped in eerie, compelling intricacies of other-worldly life and death.

What’s your favorite word?

Liminal: of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.

I would like to think if my books had to be described in one word, as they are constantly hovering on the threshold between life and death, emotion and action, disbelief and magic, they are indeed liminal books.

What’s your favorite thing about being a writer?

It is at the core of my identity and understanding of the world. Writing was the first thing I have any memory of doing. ‎So it’s hard to say the favorite thing about being alive, as being alive is a whole state of being, and I do live to write.

If you could only recommend one book, what would it be?

Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet—the most inspiring work I can imagine; an achingly honest, richly and elegantly soulful insight into life, art, love and spirituality.

Who are your literary heroes?

Edgar Allan Poe, Wilkie Collins, Edith Wharton, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Rainer Maria Rilke, Ray Bradbury, David Levithan, J.K. Rowling.

What’s next for you?

More Eterna Files and Strangely Beautiful! On the Eterna front we’ve got a prequel novella detailing Louis Dupris’ first involvement with Clara and the Eterna Commission and I am SO THRILLED about the revised, re-edited, new and shiny, author’s preferred, finally back-in-print resurrection of my acclaimed debut novels, formative works in the modern iteration of Gaslamp Fantasy: The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker and The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker into one edition called Strangely Beautiful. The prequel will also be re-issued and the fourth and final installment, known previously as Miss Violet and The Great War will finally also be completed and released in the coming years.

I’m very active at a great deal of Steampunk and SF/Fantasy conventions (and especially on opens in a new windowTwitter) so be sure to say hello!

Buy The Eterna Files today: opens in a new windowAmazon | opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble | opens in a new windowBooks A Million | opens in a new windowiBooks | opens in a new windowIndieBound | opens in a new windowPowell’s

On the Road: Tor/Forge Author Events in February

opens in a new windowThe Glass Arrow by Kristen Simmons opens in a new windowThe Eterna Files by Leanna Renee Hieber opens in a new windowOf Irish Blood by Mary Pat Kelly opens in a new windowFinn Fancy Necromancy

opens in a new windowTor/Forge authors are on the road in February! Once a month, we’re collecting info about all of our upcoming author events. Check and see who’ll be coming to a city near you:

Elizabeth Bear, Karen Memory

Thursday, February 12
opens in a new windowPandemonium Books and Games
Also with Scott Lynch
Cambridge, MA
7:00 PM

James Grady, Last Days of the Condor

Wednesday, February 18
opens in a new windowPolitics and Prose
Washington, D.C.
7:00 PM

Thursday, February 19
opens in a new windowMysterious Bookshop
New York, NY
6:30 PM

Randy Henderson, Finn Fancy Necromancy

Tuesday, February 10
opens in a new windowUniversity Bookstore
Seattle, WA
7:00 PM

Wednesday, February 11
opens in a new windowLiberty Bay Books
Poulsbo, WA
6:30 PM

Thursday, February 12
opens in a new windowEagle Harbor Book Co.
Bainbridge Island, WA
7:30 PM

Tuesday, February 17
opens in a new windowThe Wilde Rover
Also with Mark Teppo and Scott James Magner. Books provided by University Bookstore.
Kirkland, WA
7:00 PM

Wednesday, February 18
opens in a new windowMcMenamins Kennedy School
Also with Mark Teppo and Scott James Magner.
Portland, OR
7:00 PM

Thursday, February 19
opens in a new windowPowell’s Books
Beaverton, OR
7:00 PM

Saturday, February 21
opens in a new windowAvid Reader
Sacramento, CA
7:30 PM

Monday, February 23
opens in a new windowBooks Inc.
Mountain View, CA
7:00 PM

Wednesday, February 25
opens in a new windowMysterious Galaxy
San Diego, CA
7:30 PM

Friday, February 27
opens in a new windowThe Last Bookstore
Los Angeles, CA
7:00 PM

Leanna Renee Hieber, The Eterna Files

Wednesday, February 11
opens in a new windowWord Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY
7:00 PM

Friday, February 13
opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble
Also with Alethea Kontis.
West Melbourne, FL
7:00 PM

Monday, February 16
opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble
Also with Alethea Kontis.
Tampa, FL
6:00 PM

Tuesday, February 17
opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble
Also with Alethea Kontis.
Orlando, FL
7:00 PM

Saturday, February 21
opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble
Also with Alethea Kontis.
Tallahassee, FL
1:00 PM

Mary Pat Kelly, Of Irish Blood

Wednesday, February 4
opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble
Upper West Side
New York, NY
7:00 PM

Saturday, February 7
opens in a new windowNeil Shanahan Educators Seminar: Irish and Irish American Women in the Development of the Modern World
Panel Discussion with Irish Consul General Barbara Jones
991 5th Ave
New York, NY
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Wednesday, February 11
opens in a new windowBrookline Booksmith
Boston, MA
7:00 PM

Saturday, February 14
opens in a new windowTitcomb’s Bookshop
East Sandwich, MA
2:00 PM

Sunday, February 15
opens in a new windowSouth Yarmouth Library
South Yarmouth, MA
2:00 PM

Monday, February 16
opens in a new windowBlue Bunny Books
Dedham, MA
3:00 PM

Thursday, February 19
opens in a new windowChester County Books
West Chester, PA
7:00 PM

Saturday, February 21
opens in a new windowBooks & Co.
Beavercreek, OH
2:00 PM

Sunday, February 22
opens in a new windowIrish Heritage Center of Greater Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
1:30 PM

Hank Phillippi Ryan, Truth Be Told

Wednesday, February 18
opens in a new windowMarlborough Public Library
Marlborough, MA
7:00 PM

Katie Schickel, Housewitch

Tuesday, February 17
opens in a new windowThe Harvard Coop
Cambridge, MA
7:00 PM

Monday, February 23
opens in a new windowBooks-A-Million
South Portland, ME
7:00 PM

Friday, February 27
opens in a new windowJabberwocky Bookshop
Newburyport, MA
7:00 PM

Kristen Simmons, The Glass Arrow

Tuesday, February 10
opens in a new windowJoseph-Beth Booksellers
Cincinnati, OH
7:00 PM

Wednesday, February 11
opens in a new windowCarmichael’s Bookstore
Louisville, KY
6:00 PM

Saturday, February 14
opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble
Happy Valentine’s Day! Also with Jules Bennett, Lori Foster, Toni Blake, Jessica Lemmon, Jennifer McGowan, Donna MacMeans, and Patricia Sargeant.
West Chester, OH
1:00 PM

Tuesday, February 17
opens in a new windowJoseph-Beth Booksellers
Lexington, KY
7:00 PM

Saturday, February 21
opens in a new windowJoseph-Beth Booksellers
Crestview Hills, KY
2:00 PM

Carrie Vaughn, Low Midnight

Thursday, February 5
opens in a new windowThe Book Bin
Salem, OR
7:00 PM

Thursday, February 12
opens in a new windowThe Harvard Coop
Cambridge, MA
7:00 PM


It’s Not a Costume, It’s My Day Job

The Eterna Files by Leanna Renee Hieber
Written by opens in a new windowLeanna Renee Hieber

I’m asked often if my being a professional actress helps me as a writer. It entirely does, in more ways than I likely understand about my own process at any one given moment. Being an actress is a holistic aspect of how I see the world and operate as an artistic professional.

One of the most often complimented aspects of my work is my ability to create atmosphere and ‘set the stage’ for my novels. This is most certainly due to a life on the boards. My penchant for diving deep into character, reveling in the intricacies of dialogue and inner monologue, comes from professional theatre and playwrighting training, novel writing coming to me as a professional venture after I’d established myself in the former.

I set my books in the late 19th century because it’s the era that birthed the entirety of our understanding of modernity and is thusly somewhat recognizable to us and yet, the Victorians are rife with conflict and hypocrisy that it is a source of dramatic tension and conflict in and of itself.

Leanna Renee Hieber as Lucy in Dracula
Leanna as Lucy in Dracula for the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, photo: Rich Sofranko

One of the most important factors in differentiating the daily life of a modern character from that of any historical character is their clothing. This is especially important for women, whose fashion has changed far more radically and comprehensively than basic men’s clothing through the years. We wear, on average far fewer layers (and pounds) of clothing in the 21st century than the 19th.

Another important gift the theatre gave my historical novels is a tactile reality and personal experience ‘existing’ in other time periods with which I can paint details. How we move in our clothes and interact with our world is something we take for granted, but as a writer, I can’t; not if I’m writing strong, empowered women who, while they may chafe against the restrictive society roles and mores around them, still remain influenced by and bound to the fashion of the age. Knowing what it is like to move, sit, prepare food, lift, climb stairs, walk, trot, run, seize, weep, and collapse in a restrictive corset, bodice, bustle, petticoat, hat, layers, gloves, and other accessories—all of which I’ve been personally subjected to in various historical plays and presentations I’ve acted in—is vitally important to taking the reader physically as well as visually and emotionally through what my characters are experiencing.

Photo: C. Johnstone

I write fantasy, so I hardly operate off the ‘write what you know’ principle, but knowing from personal experience some of those intimate details—like the precise unease of chafing corset bones against your skin—helps me consider my heroic ladies of The Eterna Files that much more impressive in all the crazed antics I set them to.

Overcoming restrictions is a big theme in my work. That a restrictive society further enclosed its women in cages of undergarments and elaborate systems of outerwear is too important a factor of world-building not to have at the core, and I hope it sets a vital tone for how readers can feel my work as well as read it.

Pre-order The Eterna Files today:
opens in a new windowAmazon | opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble | opens in a new windowBooks-a-Million | opens in a new windowiBooks | opens in a new windowIndiebound | opens in a new windowPowell’s

Follow Leanna on Twitter at opens in a new window@Leannarenee, on opens in a new windowFacebook, or opens in a new windowvisit her website.


Book Trailer: The Eterna Files by Leanna Renee Hieber


The Eterna Files by Leanna Renee Hieber

Welcome to The Eterna Files, written by Leanna Renee Hieber, “the brightest new star in literature” (

London, 1882: Queen Victoria appoints Harold Spire of the Metropolitan Police to Special Branch Division Omega. Omega is to secretly investigate paranormal and supernatural events and persons. Spire, a skeptic driven to protect the helpless and see justice done, is the perfect man to lead the department, which employs scholars and scientists, assassins and con men, and a traveling circus. Spire’s chief researcher is Rose Everhart, who believes fervently that there is more to the world than can be seen by mortal eyes.

Their first mission: find the Eterna Compound, which grants immortality. Catastrophe destroyed the hidden laboratory in New York City where Eterna was developed, but the Queen is convinced someone escaped—and has a sample of Eterna.

Also searching for Eterna is an American, Clara Templeton, who helped start the project after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln nearly destroyed her nation. Haunted by the ghost of her beloved, she is determined that the Eterna Compound—and the immortality it will convey—will be controlled by the United States, not Great Britain.

The Eterna Files, by Leanna Renee Hieber, publishes on February 10.

What’s Coming Up for Tor

What’s Coming Up for Tor

Between BEA (Book Expo America), Phoenix Comic Con, and the upcoming San Diego Comic Con and New York Comic Con, we’ve been thinking quite a bit about some of the books we’re excited for this Summer and Fall. So we put together a list of just some of the highlights we have coming up. We hope you’re as excited as we are!

Words of Radiance



Watcher of the Dark

Judgement at Proteus

The World of the End

Sea Change

Wisp of a Thing

California Bones

The Eterna Files


Ender's Game

What are you most looking forward to reading this Summer and Fall?

March #TorChat Sweepstakes

Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells

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Did you participate in today’s #TorChat? We hope you enjoyed it and look forward to your participation in next month’s chat on April 17th!

In the meantime, here’s your chance to win a prize! Five – that’s right, five – lucky winners will receive a trade paperback edition of Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells. Leave a comment below to enter.

And again, we’d like to thank Catherynne M. Valente, Jeffrey Ford, Leanna Renee Hieber, and Kaaron Warren for participating. We’d especially like to thank editor Ellen Datlow for moderating!

Sweepstakes closes to new entries on March 27th at noon.

And don’t forget to come and join us next month, on April 17th, at 4 PM Eastern!

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. You must be 18 or older and a legal resident of the 50 United States or D.C. to enter. Promotion begins March 20, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. ET. and ends March 27, 2013, 12:00 p.m. ET. Void in Puerto Rico and wherever prohibited by law. Please see full details and official rules go here. Sponsor: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

March #TorChat Lineup Revealed

Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells

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This month, #TorChat is exploring the nineteenth century and the world of gaslamp fantasy! Join us as editor and moderator Ellen Datlow chats with Catherynne Valente, Kaaron Warren, Leanna Renee Hieber, and Jeffrey Ford on March 20th at 4 PM Eastern.

Tor Books (@torbooks) is thrilled to announce the March #TorChat, part of a monthly series of genre-themed, hour-long chats created by Tor Books and hosted on Twitter.

This month, #TorChat is looking back on the nineteenth century and the subgenre gaslamp fantasy. Gaslamp fantasy, according to the new anthology Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells, can take place any time during the 1800s, and is primarily set in England or in places where the British had a strong cultural presence. Rather than being a narrow subgenre, however, gaslamp fantasy is actually rather broad, and can include steampunk, historical fiction, detective tales, gothic fiction, and so much more.

Joining us to talk about this emerging genre are four authors who contributed to Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells. Catherynne M. Valente is the New York Times bestselling author of over a dozen works of fiction and poetry, including the crowdfunded phenomenon The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship Of Her Own Making and the gaslamp fantasy short story “We Without Us Were Shadows;” Kaaron Warren, the award-winning author of Slights and the short story “The Unwanted Women of Surrey;” Leanna Renee Hieber, an actress, playwright, and the author of “Charged,” as well as the novel The Strangely Beautiful Tales of Miss Percy Parker; and Jeffrey Ford, the multiple award-winning author of The Shadow War and the story “The Fairy Enterprise.” Together, they’ll discuss what, exactly, gaslamp fantasy is, and why the subgenre is here to stay.

The chat will be loosely moderated by Ellen Datlow, who has been editing science fiction, fantasy, and horror short fiction for over thirty years. We hope fans of gaslamp fantasy, as well as those interested in learning more about it, will follow the chat and join in using the Twitter hashtag #TorChat!

About the Authors

ELLEN DATLOW (@EllenDatlow) has been editing science fiction, fantasy, and horror short fiction for over thirty years. She was fiction editor of OMNI magazine and SciFiction and has edited more than fifty anthologies, including the annual The Best Horror of the Year; Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror; Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy; Blood and Other Cravings; Teeth: Vampire Tales; and After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia (the latter two young-adult anthologies with Terri Windling). She has won nine World Fantasy Awards and has also won multiple Locus Awards, Hugo Awards, Stoker Awards, International Horror Guild Awards, and the Shirley Jackson Award for her editing. She was named recipient of the 2007 Karl Edward Wagner Award, given at the British Fantasy Convention, for “outstanding contribution to the genre.” She has also been honored with the Life Achievement Award given by the Horror Writers Association, in acknowledgment of superior achievement over an entire career. Her latest anthology is Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells, co-edited with Terri Windling, which publishes on Tuesday, March 19th.

JEFFREY FORD (@jeffreyford8) is the author of eight novels (most recently The Shadow Year) and four collections of short stories (most recently Crackpot Palace). He is the recipient of the World Fantasy Award, Shirley Jackson Award, Edgar Allan Poe Award, and Nebula Award. His story “The Drowned Life” was recently included in The Oxford Book of American Short Stories, 2nd ed. Also his story “Blood Drive” appeared in the YA apocalyptic and dystopian anthology After, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (Tor), and “A Natural History of Autumn” appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. He lives in Ohio with his wife and sons.

LEANNA RENEE HIEBER (@Leannarenee) is an author, actress, and playwright with a BFA in Theatre and a focus in the Victorian Era. A member of Actors Equity Association and SAG-AFTRA, Leanna works periodically on shows like Boardwalk Empire. A Goth girl with an enormous collection of corsets, she resides in New York City with her real-life hero and their beloved rescued lab rabbit. Her debut novel, the B&N best-seller The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker, won two Prism Awards, multiple regional and genre awards and is currently in development as a musical theatre production. Her fourth, Darker Still: A Novel of Magic Most Foul, was selected as a Scholastic “highly recommended” title. Leanna’s short fiction has been featured on, in Willful Impropriety, and in the new anthology Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells, publishing on March 19th. Her upcoming Gaslamp Fantasy series, The Eterna Files, launches in 2014 from Tor Books.

CATHERYNNE M. VALENTE (@catvalente) is the New York Times bestselling author of over a dozen works of fiction and poetry, including Palimpest, The Orphan’s Tales series, Deathless, and the crowdfunded phenomenon The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship Of Her Own Making. She is the winner of the Andre Norton Award, the Tiptree Award, the Mythopoeic Award, the Rhysling Award, and the Million Writers Award. She has been nominated for the Hugo, Locus, Nebula, and Spectrum Awards, the Pushcart Prize, and was a finalist for the World Fantasy Award in 2007 and 2009. Sjhe lives on an island off the coast of Maine with her partner, two dogs, and enormous cat.

KAARON WARREN (@KaaronWarren) is the author of the short-story collection The Grinding House, which won the ACT Writing and Publishing Fiction Award and two Ditmar Awards. Her second collection, Dead Sea Fruit, also won the ACT Writing and Publishing Fiction Award. Her third collection, Through Splintered Walls, was recently published by Twelfth Planet Press. Her critically acclaimed first novel, Slights, won the Australian Shadows Long Fiction Award, the Ditmar Award, and the Canberra Critics’ Award for Fiction. Since then she’s had two other novels published, Walking the Tree and Mistification, both short-listed for a Ditmar Award. Warren’s stories have been picked for The Year’s Best Horror and Fantasy and Ellen Datlow’s The Best Horror of the Year, as well as The Year’s Best Australian Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy anthologies. Warren lives in Canberra, Australia, with her husband and children.

About #Torchat
#TorChat is a genre-themed, hour-long chat series created by Tor Books and hosted on Twitter. Guest authors join fans in lively, informative and entertaining discussions of all that’s hot in genre fiction, 140 characters at a time, from 4 – 5 PM EST on the third Wednesday of every month. Each #TorChat revolves around a different genre topic of interest, often of a timely nature, and strives to provide a new media opportunity for readers to connect with their favorite authors.

About Tor Books
Tor Books, an imprint of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, is a New York-based publisher of hardcover and softcover books. Founded in 1980, Tor annually publishes what is arguably the largest and most diverse line of science fiction and fantasy ever produced by a single English-language publisher. In 2002, Tor launched Starscape, an imprint dedicated to publishing quality science fiction and fantasy for young readers, including books by critically acclaimed and award winning authors such as Cory Doctorow, Orson Scott Card, and David Lubar. Between an extensive hardcover and trade-softcover line, an Orb backlist program, and a stronghold in mass-market paperbacks, books from Tor have won every major award in the SF and fantasy fields, and has been named Best Publisher 25 years in a row in the Locus Poll, the largest consumer poll in SF.

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