
Six Books About Being A Cog in the Dystopian Machine

opens in a new windowthe lost cause by cory doctorowIf the word “dystopia” broken down into its Greek roots literally means a “bad” “place,” what could be a worse place than the soul-sucking bureaucracy of a totalitarian state? Well, the cold truth that dystopia’s in the modern age aren’t as fictional as the books we like to read. But here’s good news: fiction can help us understand the hard edges and complexities of our world, including the thornier emotional truths that underlay everything else. 

Cory Doctorow’s work often speaks truth to power, combining his extensive technological and sociological insight with a skill for teaching, and translating esoteric technologia into entertaining narrative. Enter opens in a new windowThe Lost Cause, his new near-future novel that grapples with the twin dangers of climate change and a movement of people who cling to a gilded and distorted view of the past that never really existed as they recall, and definitely never will in an increasingly unstable future.

Here are six more books about dystopian bureaucracies and the characters who make them work, and sometimes end up bringing them down.

By Yvonne Ye

opens in a new windowFalling lineart sparrow and cover text for When the Sparrow Falls by Neil Sharpson opens in a new windowWhen the Sparrow Falls by Neil Sharpson

Neil Sharpson’s debut novel (now available in trade paperback!) opens with StaSec (“State Security”) agent and cog-in-the-totalitarian-machine Nikolai South eking out a miserable existence in the Caspian Republic, where atrocities are mundane and fear the general state of being. The Caspian Republic remains the last bastion of “true” humanity in a world that has succumbed to the siren song of uploaded consciousness. Both Party ideology and South’s beliefs will be challenged when he is assigned to escort the lovely Lily Xirau, a recent widow of a virulently anti-AI journalist, for the duration of her visit to the Caspian Republic.

The first catch: both Lily Xirau and her husband are actually AI. 

The second catch: Lily Xirau bears an uncanny resemblance to South’s own wife, who drowned twenty years ago. 

As state secrets and South’s past begin to unravel with Lily Xirau’s arrival, South is forced to grapple with his beliefs and his grief as he helps Lily search for the truth behind her husband’s death. When the Sparrow Falls examines the question of what it means to be human through the lenses of AI, transhumanism, grief, and totalitarian dystopia, all buttoned up sharply in the suit of a Cold War-era spy thriller reminiscent of le Carré and Orwell.

Image Place holder  of - 62 opens in a new windowAutonomous by Annalee Newitz

Autonomous explores another world where humanity is threatened by the acceleration of the various systems that govern it, though the forces in Autonomous are pharmaceutical and capitalistic rather than organic supremacist and dictatorial. The residents of Newitz’s world are trapped by a late-capitalistic regime where Big Pharma owns everything, from patents to people. The novel follows three primary characters: Jack, an anti-patent drug pirate on the run; Eliasz, a desperately fanatical and deeply damaged military agent hunting her down; and Paladin, a robot who is navigating his own profoundly human journey of self-discovery.

Both Nikolai South in When the Sparrow Falls and Eliasz in Autonomous struggle with their own humanity while working for profoundly tyrannical regimes that attempt to stomp the soul out of them. Trapped by the drudgery of work and the necessities of survival, South and Eliasz must grapple with their complicity in oppressive systems and the cost it takes to do the right thing.

Place holder  of - 74 opens in a new windowThe Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi

The Oubliette could be a Martian paradise, if you only have the time. The currency of Rajaniemi’s world is measured not in dollars, but in seconds—and time can be stolen. In order to expose the hidden conspiracy of cryptarch governors in the panoptical society of the Oubliette, the mysterious Mieli calls upon gentleman thief Jean Le Flambeur. After all, who better to perform an impossible heist than a legendary thief?

While Rajaniemi’s world of constant surveillance in the Oubliette relies on high-technology to manipulate the fabric of human society, the Caspian Republic in When the Sparrow Falls uses good old-fashioned methods from the Cold War—bugs and brainwashing. South continually hears the voice of “the Good Brother,” an insidious mouthpiece of paranoia and party propaganda urging him to report his neighbors and deny the humanity of Lily, the AI he has been tasked to protect. Both Rajaniemi and Sharpson fabricate fantastically fanatical societies in visions of our alternate presents and alternate futures.

opens in a new windowImage Placeholder of - 65Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan

In Morgan’s cyberpunk future, human consciousness can survive indefinitely by being “re-sleeved” in new flesh bodies. Takeshi Kovacs, an ex-elite soldier turned criminal turned private eye, is hired to investigate the death of Laurens Bancroft, a wealthy man whose trail leads to a virus that has the potential to contaminate the cortical stacks that store human consciousness and cause permanent death.

Humanity in Morgan’s world happily re-sleeves itself in new bodies whenever death comes knocking, but the populace of the Caspian Republic has not yet attained the same blasé attitude about human existence. Both Lily Xirau and Nikolai South in When the Sparrow Falls grapple with the question of what makes someone human, and come to find that the answer has nothing at all to do with the body one wears, and everything to do with the heart one follows.

Placeholder of  -17 opens in a new windowInfomocracy by Malka Older

Malka Older’s groundbreaking cyberpunk political thriller series begins with Infomocracy, set in a world where results of the upcoming election are poised to change everything. A powerful search engine called Information shapes every aspect of human life, from social interaction to research to political campaigning. While traveling around the world as a campaign agent for the idealistic Policy1st party, Ken meets and hooks up with Mishima, an operative of Information. Mishima fights—literally—to keep the search engine as accurate and non-partisan as possible. Meanwhile, the mysterious dissident Domaine pursues his own anti-campaign against the whole system of microdemocracy.

Nikolai South shares struggles with Ken and Mishima as agents of and players within a machine that is both personal and political. Whether the system will remain standing is an open question throughout both books—and whether these characters are the key to bringing the system down is another.

opens in a new windowPoster Placeholder of - 2The Laundry Files series by Charles Stross

When IT tech worker Bob Howard accidentally stumbles across mathematical equations that can summon Lovecraftian monsters from alternate dimensions, he is forcibly drafted into the Laundry, a British government agency that specializes in dealing with occult threats. Between combating dimension-hopping terrorists, protecting lovely logic professors performing reality-bending research, learning the secret history of the world, and—worst of all—attending committee meetings, Bob Howard has his hands full with the fieldwork and paperwork required to defend the world from ancient, eldritch powers.

Spy thriller? Check. Science fiction? Check. Bureaucratic humor? Check. Nikolai South’s dry humor could give Bob Howard’s a run for its money, and the two of them could certainly share a drink (or five) over the dreary horrors of bureaucracy.


Tor Books at NYCC 2022!

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We couldn’t be more thrilled to get back to the Big Apple—Tor Books is coming to New York Comic Con! Join the convention from October 6-9 (tickets for physical & virtual access can be bought opens in a new windowhere) for some amazing panels, and don’t forget to follow us on social media and the hashtag #TorNYCC2022 for announcements, sweepstakes, and more!

Thursday — October 6

Morning ARC Giveaway

Booth 3027
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Kate Elliott, opens in a new windowThe Keeper’s Six

In-Booth Signing: opens in a new windowAnne Heltzel

Booth 3027
2:00 – 3:00 PM
With her spine-chilling and sharp adult debut, Anne Heltzel (she/her) is a fresh new voice in horror!

Evening ARC Giveaway 

Booth 3027
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Leopoldo Gout, opens in a new windowPiñata

Panel – Improbable Imaginings

Room 1B-02
3:45 – 4:45 PM

AKA Flights of Fantasy Fiction: Let your imagination soar through the fantastic tales of deadly games, royal intrigues, wuxia, espionage, and ancestral hauntings. Phoebe Cramer (Publishers Weekly) chats craft and creativity with Alex Aster (Lightlark), Alina Boyden (Gifting Fire), Wesley Chu (The Art of Prophecy), GennaRose Nethercott (Thistlefoot), and Brandon Sanderson ( opens in a new windowThe Stormlight Archive).

Friday — October 7

Morning ARC Giveaway

Booth 3027
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
J. R. Dawson, opens in a new windowThe First Bright Thing

Panel – Spotlight on Leigh Bardugo

Room 405
12:00 – 1:00 PM

Meet the #1 New York Times bestselling author Leigh Bardugo! Ten years ago, her first book Shadow and Bone hit shelves – and now, the Grishaverse spans nine novels (including the Shadow and Bone trilogy, the Six of Crows duology, the King of Scars duology), Demon in the Wood (the brand-new graphic novel prequel), and was the inspiration behind Netflix’s record-breaking original series. She’s also the author of adult fantasy Ninth House and its forthcoming sequel, Hell Bent. Celebrate a decade of Bardugo on this spotlight panel moderated by Tochi Onyebuchi.

In-Booth Signing: opens in a new windowJohn Scalzi

Booth 3027
1:00 – 2:00 PM
One of the most popular SF authors of his generation + burrito chef / artist, John Scalzi (he/him) is here to sign some books 😎

In-Booth Signing + ARC Giveaway: opens in a new windowThe Luminaries by opens in a new windowSusan Dennard

Booth 3027
2:00 – 3:00 PM
Award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of the Witchlands series Susan Dennard (she/her) returns with something haunting, something new: opens in a new windowThe Luminaries.

Evening ARC Giveaway 

Booth 3027
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Annalee Newitz, opens in a new windowThe Terraformers

In-Booth Signing: opens in a new windowTochi Onyebuchi

Booth 3027
4:00 – 5:00 PM
The awards and accolades of Tochi Onyebuchi (he/him) cannot be contained in the space allowed by his short blog introduction, which is just another accomplishment! So, put quickly: author of opens in a new windowRiot Baby and  opens in a new windowGoliath & delightful nerd Tochi Onyebuchi will be signing in the above place at the above time!

Panel – Leaning into the Witchy

Room 1C-02
5:15 – 6:15 PM

Enjoy a tasty brew of witchcraft, magic, and practitioners conjured up by Celestine Martin (Witchful Thinking), Andy Mientus (Fraternity), Susan Dennard ( opens in a new windowThe Luminaries), Scarlett St. Clair (When Stars Come Out) and Jenna Evans Welch (Spells for Lost Things), with Liberty Hardy (Book Riot Senior Contributing Editor) stirring the conversational pot. Post-panel signing by Susan Dennard @ Table 3-4!

Panel – Tor After Dark: Chaotic Book Club

Room 405
7:30 – 8:30 PM

Join a panel of Tor employees as they discuss some of their favorite book moments, give you an in depth sneak peek at upcoming reads and indulge in some real-talk book talk–all while answering questions from you along the way. If a pub trivia night, a Reddit AMA, and a book club had a baby…well it’d be really weird but it would also be this panel–which is why attendees are guaranteed to have a good time. Trivia prizes will be given and attendees will each receive a book.

Saturday — October 8

Panel – Calling All Monsters: On Liminality & Power Through the Lens of Speculative Fiction

Room 406.2
10:20 – 11:30 AM

When it comes to power, what better comes to mind than the literal ability to fly, shapeshift, or otherwise hold magic at your fingertips? Join Geeks OUT, as a panel of speculative fiction writers discusses how their characters interact with the supernatural, while navigating intersectional identities. Discussing how power manifests in more ways than one, speculative fiction addresses how members of marginalized communities fight back against real and fictional evils. Panelists include Alechia Dow (The Sound of Stars), Kylie Ren Baker (The Keeper of Night), Claribel A. Ortega (Witchlings), Alexandra Rowland ( opens in a new windowA Taste of Gold and Iron), Neon Yang ( opens in a new windowThe Genesis of Misery), and moderated by Geeks OUT Editorial Coordinator, Michele Kirichanskaya.

Morning ARC Giveaway

Booth 3027
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Malka Older, opens in a new windowThe Mimicking of Known Successes

In-Booth Signing: opens in a new windowAmanda Foody & opens in a new windowC. L. Herman

Booth 3027
12:00 – 1:00 PM
The powerhouse duo behind the bestselling dark YA fantasy opens in a new windowAll of Us Villains Duology, Amanda Foody (she/her) & C. L. Herman (they/she) are here to work some magic signing books!

Panel – Titans of Fantasy In Conversation

Room 405
12:00 – 1:00 PM

Join three of the biggest authors in the fantasy genre for a can’t miss conversation only at New York Comic Con! Brandon Sanderson ( opens in a new windowThe Stormlight Archive), Diana Gabaldon (Outlander) and Terry Brooks (The Shannara Chronicles) will take the stage for a one-of-a-kind panel to discuss what it’s like to build iconic worlds that keep fans reading “just one more chapter”.

In-Booth Signing: opens in a new windowNeon Yang

Booth 3027
1:00 – 2:00 PM
In previous incarnations, Neon (they/them) was a molecular biologist, a science communicator, a writer for animation, games and comic studios, and a journalist for one of Singapore’s major papers. Now they’re a writer of award-winning science-fiction. Oh, yeah, and also signing at our booth 😎

Q&A and Reading: opens in a new windowBrandon Sanderson

Room 405
1:30 – 3:30 PM

In-Booth Signing: opens in a new windowAlexandra Rowland

Booth 3027
2:00 – 3:00 PM
Alexandra Rowland (they/them) is the author of opens in a new windowA Taste of Gold and Iron plus cohost of the four-time-Hugo-Award-nominated podcast  opens in a new windowBe the Serpent, all sternly supervised by their feline quality control manager. We’re just thankful their cat signed off on allowing them to sign books with us!

Evening ARC Giveaway 

Booth 3027
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Fonda Lee, opens in a new windowUntethered Sky

Sunday — October 9

Morning ARC Giveaway

Booth 3027
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Moses Ose Utomi, opens in a new windowThe Lies of the Ajungo

In-Booth Signing: opens in a new windowJennifer Marie Brissett

Booth 3027
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Jennifer Marie Brissett (she/her) has warn many hats: software engineer, writer of critically-lauded science fiction, and proprietor of Indigo Café & Books in Brooklyn! Add to that list: author we’re so lucky to have signing at our booth!

In-Booth Signing: opens in a new windowPaul Cornell

Booth 3027
12:00 – 1:00 PM
Paul Cornell’s (he/him) storied career of writing stories has taken him from TV to novels to comics! Today it takes him to our booth. Stop by and ask for his signature 😎

Pre-panel Signing: opens in a new windowJennifer Marie Brissett

Room 1C-03
Table 3-4
1:00 PM

Pre-panel Signing: opens in a new windowNeon Yang, opens in a new windowTochi Onyebuchi, & opens in a new windowJohn Scalzi

Room 1B-02
Table 3-4
2:45 PM

Evening Book Giveaway 

Booth 3027
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Stan Lee & Jay Bonansinga, opens in a new windowThe Devil’s Quintet

Panel – Building on the Bones: Retold and Reimagined

Room 1C-03
3:00 – 4:00 PM

Authors draw inspiration from One Thousand and One Nights, Greek mythology including Persephone’s story, Chinese mythology, and tales of fate to create their original stories. Emily Calkins (Books Content Manager at Likewise) explores fantastic speculative worlds with Chelsea Abdullah (The Stardust Thief), Maya Deane (Wrath Goddess Sing), Emily X.R. Pan (An Arrow to the Moon), Kalynn Bayron (This Wicked Fate), and Jennifer Marie Brissett ( opens in a new windowDestroyer of Light).

Panel – The Future is Not Unwritten

Room 1B-02
3:45 – 4:45 PM

It’s impossible to predict what the future holds…but these authors have a pretty good shot at it. Go on a journey from our present day to so many possible futures as envisioned by some of science fictions brightest stars. From secret kaiju-ridden islands to far-flung intergalactic societies Jennifer Marie Brissett ( opens in a new windowDestroyer of Light) John Scalzi ( opens in a new windowThe Kaiju Preservation Society) Neon Yang ( opens in a new windowThe Genesis of Misery) and Tochi Onyebuchi ( opens in a new windowGoliath) write stories about our futures that tell us about our present.


On the Road: Tor/Forge Author Events in October

opens in a new windowYour favorite Tor/Forge authors are hitting the road in October! See who’s coming to a city near you this month.

Mary Robinette Kowal, opens in a new windowThe Fated Sky

opens in a new windowImage Place holder  of - 3

Tuesday, October 2
opens in a new windowMurder by the Book
Houston, TX
6:30 PM

V. E. Schwab, opens in a new windowShades of Magic Trilogy / opens in a new window Vengeful

opens in a new windowPoster Placeholder of - 95

Friday, October 5

opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center Booth #2136
New York, NY
3: 00 PM

opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center Room 1A18
New York, NY
5:15 PM

Saturday, October 6
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center Room 1B03
New York, NY
12:15 PM

opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center Room 1B03
New York, NY
4:00 – 5:00 PM

V. E. Schwab, opens in a new windowVengeful

opens in a new windowPlaceholder of  -59

Monday, October 1
opens in a new windowAnderson’s Bookshop
La Grange, IL
7:00 PM

Tuesday, October 2
opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble
Roseville, MN
7:00 PM

Wednesday, October 3
opens in a new windowCoolidge Corner Theater
Brookline, MA
6:00 PM

Sunday, October 7
opens in a new windowArlington Central Library
Arlington, VA
4:00 PM

Monday, October 8
opens in a new windowStrand Books
New York, NY
7:00 PM

Marie Miranda Cruz,  opens in a new windowEverlasting Nora

opens in a new windowPlace holder  of - 34

Tuesday, October 2
opens in a new windowMysterious Galaxy
San Diego, CA
7:00 PM

Thursday, October 4
opens in a new windowBooks of Wonder
New York, NY
6:30 PM

Friday, October 5
opens in a new windowRJ Julia Booksellers
Madison, CT
6:30 PM

Saturday, October 6
opens in a new windowJoseph-Beth Booksellers
Cincinnati, OH
2:00 PM

Sunday, October 7
opens in a new windowKids Ink
Indianapolis, IN
2:00 PM

Wednesday, October 10
opens in a new windowAnderson’s Bookshop
La Grange, IL
7:00 PM

Thursday, October 11
opens in a new windowLemuria Books
Jackson, MS
5:00 PM

Thursday, October 18
opens in a new windowVroman’s Bookstore
Pasadena, CA
7:00 PM

David Hagberg, opens in a new windowFace Off

opens in a new windowImage Placeholder of - 79

Thursday, October 11
opens in a new windowBookstore 1
Sarasota, FL
6:00 PM

Mark Oshiro, opens in a new windowAnger Is a Gift

opens in a new window

Friday, October 5
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
11:00 AM

opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center Room 1B03
New York, NY
2:45 PM

Malka Older, opens in a new windowState Tectonics

opens in a new window

Thursday, October 18
opens in a new windowFountain Bookstore
Richmond, VA
6:30 PM

Matt Goldman, opens in a new windowBroken Ice

opens in a new window

Friday, October 5
opens in a new windowThe Bookstore at Fitger’s 
Duluth, MN
7:00 PM

Saturday, October 20
opens in a new windowCorona Public Library
Corona, CA
12:00 PM

Paddy Hirsch, opens in a new windowThe Devil’s Half Mile

opens in a new window

Saturday, October 20
opens in a new windowCorona Public Library
Corona, CA
12:00 PM

William Martin, opens in a new windowBound for Gold

opens in a new window

Wednesday, October 24
opens in a new windowBurlington Public Library
Burlington, MA
7:00 PM

John Scalzi, T opens in a new windowhe Consuming Fire

opens in a new window

Tuesday, October 16
opens in a new windowUniversity Bookstore
Seattle, WA
7:00 PM

Wednesday, October 17
opens in a new windowBarnes & Noble
Portland, OR
7:00 PM

Thursday, October 18
opens in a new windowThe Last Bookstore
Los Angeles, CA
7:00 PM

Friday, October 19
opens in a new windowBorderlands Books
San Francisco, CA
6:00 PM

Saturday, October 20
opens in a new windowWeller Book Works
Salt Lake City, UT
2:00 PM

Monday, October 22
opens in a new windowAmerican Writers Museum
Chicago, IL
6:30 PM

Tuesday, October 23
opens in a new windowFlyleaf Books
Chapel Hill, NC
7:00 PM

Wednesday, October 24
opens in a new windowQuail Ridge Books & Music
Raleigh, NC
7:00 PM

Thursday, October 25
opens in a new windowAvid Bookshop
Athens, GA
6:00 PM

Charlie Jane Anders, opens in a new windowThe City in the Middle of the Night

opens in a new window

Thursday, October 4
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Room 1A18
New York, NY
12:15 – 1:15 PM

Friday, October 5
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
1:00 PM

opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Room 1A18
New York, NY
5:15 PM

Sunday, October 7
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Room 1A18
New York, NY
12:15 – 1:15 PM

S.L. Huang, opens in a new windowZero Sum Game

opens in a new window

Thursday, October 4
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
2:00 PM

K Arsenault Rivera, opens in a new windowThe Phoenix Empress

opens in a new window

Thursday, October 4
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
4:00 PM

Friday, October 5
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Room 1A18
New York, NY
5:15 – 6:15 PM

Mark A. Altman & Edward Gross,  opens in a new windowSo Say We All

opens in a new window

Thursday, October 4
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Shop Studies
New York, NY
8:30 – 10:00 PM

Friday, October 5
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Shop Studies
New York, NY
3:30 – 5:00 PM

Sherrilyn Kenyon, opens in a new windowStygian

opens in a new window

Friday, October 5
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
5:00 PM

Arkady Martine, opens in a new windowA Memory Called Empire

opens in a new window

Saturday, October 6
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
11:00 AM

Annalee Newitz, opens in a new windowAutonomous

opens in a new window

Saturday, October 6
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
2:00 PM

opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Hall 1A Author Autographing Area
New York, NY
5:15 PM

opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Room 1B03
New York, NY
6:30 PM

Seanan McGuire, opens in a new windowWayward Children Series

opens in a new window

Saturday, October 6
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
5:00 PM

Myke Cole, opens in a new window The Queen of Crows

opens in a new window

Saturday, October 6
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
12:00 PM

David Mack, opens in a new windowThe Iron Codex

opens in a new window

Saturday, October 6
opens in a new windowNew York Comic Con, Javits Center, Booth #2136
New York, NY
12:00 PM


New Releases: 9/11/18

Happy New Release Day! Here’s what went on sale today.

opens in a new windowThe Echo Room by Parker Peevyhouse

opens in a new windowPoster Placeholder of - 83 The only thing worse than being locked in is facing what you locked out.

Rett Ward knows how to hide. He’s had six years of practice at Walling Home, the state-run boarding school where he learned how to keep his head down to survive.

But when Rett wakes up locked in a small depot with no memory of how he got there, he can’t hide. Not from the stranger in the next room. Or from the fact that there’s someone else’s blood on his jumpsuit.

opens in a new windowNomad by James Swallow

opens in a new windowImage Place holder  of - 22 Marc Dane is a MI6 field agent at home behind a computer screen, one step away from the action. But when a brutal attack on his team leaves Dane the only survivor—and with the shocking knowledge that there are traitors inside MI6—he’s forced into the front line.

Matters spiral out of control when the evidence points toward Dane as the perpetrator of the attack. Accused of betraying his country, he must race against time to clear his name.

opens in a new windowPort of Shadows by Glen Cook

opens in a new windowPlace holder  of - 37 The soldiers of the Black Company don’t ask questions, they get paid. But being “The Lady’s favored” is attracting the wrong kind of attention and has put a target on their backs–and the Company’s historian, Croaker, has the biggest target of all.

The one person who was taken into The Lady’s Tower and returned unchanged has earned the special interest of the court of sorcerers known as The Ten Who Were Taken. Now, he and the company are being asked to seek the aid of their newest member, Mischievous Rain, to break a rebel army. However, Croaker doesn’t trust any of the Taken, especially not ones that look so much like The Lady and her sister…

opens in a new windowState Tectonics by Malka Older

opens in a new windowImage Placeholder of - 46 The future of democracy must evolve or die.

The last time Information held an election, a global network outage, two counts of sabotage by major world governments, and a devastating earthquake almost shook micro-democracy apart. Five years later, it’s time to vote again, and the system that has ensured global peace for 25 years is more vulnerable than ever.


opens in a new windowThe Beginning Place by Ursula K. Le Guin

opens in a new windowPlaceholder of  -50 Fleeing from the monotony of his life, Hugh Rogers finds his way to “the beginning place”—a gateway to Tembreabrezi, an idyllic, unchanging world of eternal twilight. Irena Pannis was thirteen when she first found the beginning place. Now, seven years later, she has grown to know and love the gentle inhabitants of Tembreabrezi, or Mountaintown, and she sees Hugh as a trespasser.

But then a monstrous shadow threatens to destroy Mountaintown, and Hugh and Irena join forces to seek it out. Along the way, they begin to fall in love. Are they on their way to a new beginning…or a fateful end?

opens in a new windowThe Eye of the Heron by Ursula K. Le Guin

opens in a new window In Victoria on a former prison colony, two exiled groups—the farmers of Shantih and the City dwellers—live in apparent harmony. All is not as it seems, however. While the peace-loving farmers labor endlessly to provide food for the City, the City Bosses rule the Shantih with an iron fist. When a group of farmers decide to form a new settlement further away, the Bosses retaliate by threatening to crush the “rebellion.”


opens in a new windowThe Ancient Magus’ Bride Vol. 9 Story and art by Kore Yamazaki

opens in a new windowDidn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! (Light Novel) Vol. 3 Story by FUNA; Art by Itsuki Akata

opens in a new windowDragon Goes House-Hunting Vol. 1 Story by Kawo Tanuki; Art by Choco Aya

opens in a new windowThe Testament of Sister New Devil STORM! Vol. 4 Story by Tetsuto Uesu; Art by Fumihiro Kiso

opens in a new windowToradora! Vol. 8 Story by Yuyuko Takemiya; Art by Zekkyo


$2.99 Ebook Sale: Infomocracy by Malka Older

Placeholder of  -38The ebook edition of opens in a new windowInfomocracy by Malka Older is on sale now for only $2.99! This offer will only last for a limited time, so order your copy today. The third book in the series,  opens in a new windowState Tectonicswill be available on September 11th.

About Infomocracy: It’s been twenty years and two election cycles since Information, a powerful search engine monopoly, pioneered the switch from warring nation-states to global micro-democracy. The corporate coalition party Heritage has won the last two elections. With another election on the horizon, the Supermajority is in tight contention, and everything’s on the line.

With power comes corruption. For Ken, this is his chance to do right by the idealistic Policy1st party and get a steady job in the big leagues. For Domaine, the election represents another staging ground in his ongoing struggle against the pax democratica. For Mishima, a dangerous Information operative, the whole situation is a puzzle: how do you keep the wheels running on the biggest political experiment of all time, when so many have so much to gain?

Order Your Copy

opens in a new windowkindle opens in a new windownook opens in a new opens in a new windowPlaceholder of google play -6 opens in a new windowibooks2 84 opens in a new windowkobo

This sale ends October 1st.


New Releases: 8/7/18

Happy New Release Day! Here’s what went on sale today.

opens in a new windowAn Informal History of the Hugos by Jo Walton

opens in a new windowImage Placeholder of - 76 Between 2010 and 2013, Jo Walton wrote a series of posts for, surveying the Hugo finalists and winners from the award’s inception up to the year 2000. Her contention was that each year’s full set of finalists generally tells a meaningful story about the state of science fiction at that time.

opens in a new windowGirl at the Grave by Teri Bailey Black

opens in a new windowPlaceholder of  -13 A mother hanged for murder. A daughter left to pick up the pieces of their crumbling estate. Can she clear her family’s name if it means facing her own dark past?

Debut author Teri Bailey Black unearths the long-buried secrets of a small New England town in this richly atmospheric Gothic tale of murder, guilt, redemption, and finding love where least expected.

opens in a new windowNull States by Malka Older

opens in a new windowPoster Placeholder of - 21 The future of democracy is about to implode.

After the last controversial global election, the global infomocracy that has ensured thirty years of world peace is fraying at the edges. As the new Supermajority government struggles to establish its legitimacy, agents of Information across the globe strive to keep the peace and maintain the flows of data that feed the new world order.

opens in a new windowPrivateer by Margaret Weis & Robert Krammes

opens in a new windowPlace holder  of - 76 The swashbuckling adventures of Captain Kate Fitzmaurice continues in this thrilling continuation of the epic tale of the Dragon Corsairs.

Captain Kate soon escapes from prison and saves her crew with the help of Prince Tom. She and her crew are drawn ever deeper into the intrigue and danger of doing business in the kingdom. With them running out of allies and left with nowhere to turn, Kate and Tom strike out on their own.

opens in a new windowRogue Protocol by Martha Wells

opens in a new windowImage Place holder  of - 3 Sci-fi’s favorite antisocial A.I. is back on a mission. The case against the too-big-to-fail GrayCris Corporation is floundering, and more importantly, authorities are beginning to ask more questions about where Dr. Mensah’s SecUnit is.

And Murderbot would rather those questions went away. For good.

opens in a new windowWithout Fear by Col. David Hunt & R. J. Pineiro

opens in a new window Southern Afghanistan, 2005. NATO forces are battling the Taliban across Kandahar Province. In a terrifying twist, the rebels unearth a tactical nuclear bomb lost in the final days of the Soviet occupation. The years buried in the sand have damaged it, so the Taliban seeks the help of al Qaeda to secure replacement parts through its contacts in Saudi Arabia, the Opium Cartel, and the Russian Mafia. Doing so, however, inadvertently alerts the Americans, the Russians, and the Israelis.


opens in a new windowIn a Time of Treason by David Keck

opens in a new window Fighting under the banner of Lord Lamoric, Durand and his companions have thwarted a mad duke’s ambition and saved the crown, but their victory has brought them scars, empty purses, and little else. The fragile peace they forged with their sacrifices cannot hold. Too many barons have plotted against the king, driving him to vengeful madness, sending the kingdom into chaos.

Can Durand’s loyalties and the land of his birth survive the forces that threaten to tear them asunder during a time of treason?

opens in a new windowWild Cards VIII: One-Eyed Jacks by George R.R. Martin

opens in a new window Something is stirring on Ellis Island, something strange and dangerous enough to subdue even the white-hot tensions between Wild Cards and normal humans. They call themselves the Jumpers: a vicious gang with the power to transport their minds into others’ bodies, using them to commit acts of terror and violence, before abandoning them and leaving their victims to face the consequences.


opens in a new windowArifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest (Light Novel) Vol. 3 Story by Ryo Shirakome; Art by Takaya-ki

opens in a new windowDevilman VS. Hades Vol. 2 Story by Go Nagai; art by Team Moon

opens in a new windowDidn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! (Light Novel) Vol. 2 Story by FUNA; Art by Itsuki Akata

opens in a new windowToradora! (Light Novel) Vol. 2 Story by Yuyuko Takemiya, Art by Yasu


6 Fascinating Books to Read While Awaiting Season 2 of Westworld

Where will artificial intelligence take us? And what existential questions will the rise of AI pose? These six reads explore the potential for robots and artificial intelligence to save — or destroy — us all… perfect to tie you over until Season 2 of Westworld.

opens in a new windowAutonomous by Annalee Newitz

opens in a new windowPlaceholder of  -96 It’s the future (it’s always the future) and drug pirate Jack — known as a pharmaceutical Robin Hood — is giving poor people the medicines they need but can’t afford. All admirable until Jack’s the cause of many lethal overdoses. Eliasz, a military agent, and his robotic partner, Paladin, are tracking her down. While doing so, they form an unusually close bond… sound familiar? Newitz is a master storyteller, and this book is especially powerful because it probes philosophical topics like property, identity, and — of course — autonomy.

opens in a new windowMade to Kill by Adam Christopher

opens in a new windowImage Placeholder of - 20 Raymond Electromagnet is a detective. He’s also a robot. Programmed to always work to make a profit and with a memory tape limit of only 24 hours, Ray would do just about anything to get some cold hard cash, and he’s sure as hell good at keeping secrets. Hired to find a missing movie star, Ray the robot gets into some serious trouble… making the novel a thrill to read.

opens in a new windowInfomocracy by Malka Older

opens in a new windowPoster Placeholder of - 97 Infomocracy was on tons of 2016 Best Books lists, and Huffington Post called it “one of the greatest literary debuts in recent history.” It deserves the praise! Political parties spar during an election cycle, twenty years after Information — a powerful search engine — ended international wars and introduced global micro-democracy. How often do you hear about awesome political thrillers?

opens in a new windowAll Systems Red by Martha Wells

opens in a new windowImage Place holder  of - 22 This one is really reminiscent of Westworld because it tackles the same fascinating (and scary) topic: consciousness in robots. In All Systems Red, a self-aware android on a mission in space has hacked its governor module and now refers to itself as “Murderbot,” scornful of humans. But when a neighboring mission goes dark, even the robot wants to find out what happened. This novel is especially frightening because it poses the question of what happens when robots outsmart humans… which seems to be very plausible in the near future.

opens in a new windowThe Boost by Stephen Baker

opens in a new windowPlace holder  of - 37 What happens when artificial intelligence gets installed into the brains of 99% of the human population? For one, a serious breach of privacy. In The Boost, Ralph notices that the new update to their brain chips will open a surveillance gate that could leave Americans extremely vulnerable… but in an attempt to expose this flaw, Ralph experiences resistance that threatens his life. His chip has been ripped out of his head, so now he has to fight back with his only analog tool: his brain.

opens in a new windowChasing Shadows by David Brin

opens in a new window We’re switching it up with a short story collection — and this anthology is hyper-realistic. Collected by David Brin (a legend) and written by other SF luminaries, Chasing Shadows examines the present-day increase in video surveillance and the state of technological transparency… ultimately revealing what the world might look like down the line (spoiler: dystopia).

If you’re looking for a quick yet horrifying non-fiction read, check out opens in a new windowthis 2-part article.


Cyber Week eBook Deals

Get ready to fill your ereaders with these great deals, starting at $1.99!

For $2.99:

opens in a new windowDown Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire

opens in a new windowImage Place holder  of - 68

Twin sisters Jack and Jill were seventeen when they found their way home and were packed off to Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children.

This is the story of what happened first…

Jacqueline was her mother’s perfect daughter—polite and quiet, always dressed as a princess. If her mother was sometimes a little strict, it’s because crafting the perfect daughter takes discipline.

Jillian was her father’s perfect daughter—adventurous, thrill-seeking, and a bit of a tom-boy. He really would have preferred a son, but you work with what you’ve got.

They were five when they learned that grown-ups can’t be trusted.

They were twelve when they walked down the impossible staircase and discovered that the pretense of love can never be enough to prepare you a life filled with magic in a land filled with mad scientists and death and choices.

Order Your Copy of Down Among the Sticks and Bones for $2.99:

opens in a new windowkindle one opens in a new windownook one opens in a new windowebooks one opens in a new windowgoogle play one opens in a new windowibooks2 75 opens in a new windowkobo one

opens in a new windowInfomocracy by Malka Older

opens in a new windowImage Placeholder of - 36It’s been twenty years and two election cycles since Information, a powerful search engine monopoly, pioneered the switch from warring nation-states to global micro-democracy. The corporate coalition party Heritage has won the last two elections. With another election on the horizon, the Supermajority is in tight contention, and everything’s on the line.

With power comes corruption. For Ken, this is his chance to do right by the idealistic Policy1st party and get a steady job in the big leagues. For Domaine, the election represents another staging ground in his ongoing struggle against the pax democratica. For Mishima, a dangerous Information operative, the whole situation is a puzzle: how do you keep the wheels running on the biggest political experiment of all time, when so many have so much to gain?

Order Your Copy of Infomocracy for $2.99:

opens in a new windowkindle two opens in a new windownook two opens in a new windowebooks two opens in a new windowgoogle play two opens in a new windowibooks2 36 opens in a new windowkobo two

opens in a new windowNight Embrace by Sherrilyn Kenyon

opens in a new windowPlaceholder of  -27Dear Reader,

Life is great for me. I have my chicory coffee, my warm beignets, and my best friend on the cell phone. Once the sun goes down, I am the baddest thing prowling the night: I command the elements, and I know no fear. For centuries, I’ve protected the innocent and watched over the mankind, making sure they are safe in a world where nothing is ever certain. All I want in return is a hot babe in a red dress, who wants nothing more from me then one night.

Instead, I get a runaway Mardi Gras float that tries to turn me into roadkill and a beautiful woman who saves my life but can’t remember where she put my pants. Flamboyant and extravagant, Sunshine Runningwolf should be the perfect woman for me. She wants nothing past tonight, no ties, no long-term commitments.

But every time I look at her, I start yearning for dreams that I buried centuries ago. With her unconventional ways and ability to baffle me, Sunshine is the one person I find myself needing. But for me to love her would mean her death. I am cursed never to know peace or happiness-not so long as my enemy waits in the night to destroy us both.

Talon of the Morrigantes

Order Your Copy of Night Embrace for $2.99:

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opens in a new windowNight Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon

opens in a new windowPoster Placeholder of - 14Dear Reader,

Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to be immortal? To journey through the night stalking the evil that preys on humans? To have unlimited wealth, unlimited power? That is my existence, and it is dark and dangerous. I play hero to thousands, but am known to none. And I love every minutes of it.

Or so I thought until one night when I woke up handcuffed to my worst nightmare: a conservative woman in a button-down shirt. Or in Amanda’s case, one buttoned all the way up to her chin. She’s smart, sexy, witty, and wants nothing to do with the paranormal–in other words, me.

My attraction to Amanda Devereaux goes against everything I stand for. Not to mention the last time I fell in love it cost me not only my human life, but also my very soul. Yet every time I look at her, I find myself wanting to try again. Wanting to believe that love and loyalty do exist.

Even more disturbing, I find myself wondering if there’s any way a woman like Amanda can love a man whose battle scars run deep, and whose heart was damaged by a betrayal so savage that he’s not sure it will ever beat again.

Kyrian of Thrace

Order Your Copy of Night Pleasures for $2.99:

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opens in a new windowOld Man’s War by John Scalzi

opens in a new windowPlace holder  of - 70

John Perry did two things on his 75th birthday. First he visited his wife’s grave. Then he joined the army.

The good news is that humanity finally made it into interstellar space. The bad news is that planets fit to live on are scarce-and aliens willing to fight for them are common. The universe, it turns out, is a hostile place.

So: we fight. To defend Earth (a target for our new enemies, should we let them get close enough) and to stake our own claim to planetary real estate. Far from Earth, the war has gone on for decades: brutal, bloody, unyielding.

Earth itself is a backwater. The bulk of humanity’s resources are in the hands of the Colonial Defense Force, which shields the home planet from too much knowledge of the situation. What’s known to everybody is that when you reach retirement age, you can join the CDF. They don’t want young people; they want people who carry the knowledge and skills of decades of living. You’ll be taken off Earth and never allowed to return. You’ll serve your time at the front. And if you survive, you’ll be given a generous homestead stake of your own, on one of our hard-won colony planets.

John Perry is taking that deal. He has only the vaguest idea what to expect. Because the actual fight, light-years from home, is far, far harder than he can imagine-and what he will become is far stranger.

Order Your Copy of Old Man’s War for $2.99:

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opens in a new windowVicious by V.E. Schwab

opens in a new windowVictor and Eli started out as college roommates—brilliant, arrogant, lonely boys who recognized the same sharpness and ambition in each other. In their senior year, a shared research interest in adrenaline, near-death experiences, and seemingly supernatural events reveals an intriguing possibility: that under the right conditions, someone could develop extraordinary abilities. But when their thesis moves from the academic to the experimental, things go horribly wrong.

Ten years later, Victor breaks out of prison, determined to catch up to his old friend (now foe), aided by a young girl whose reserved nature obscures a stunning ability. Meanwhile, Eli is on a mission to eradicate every other super-powered person that he can find—aside from his sidekick, an enigmatic woman with an unbreakable will. Armed with terrible power on both sides, driven by the memory of betrayal and loss, the archnemeses have set a course for revenge—but who will be left alive at the end?

Order Your Copy of Vicious for $2.99:

opens in a new windowkindle six opens in a new windownook six opens in a new windowebooks six opens in a new windowgoogle play six opens in a new window opens in a new windowkobo six

For $1.99:

opens in a new windowAll Systems Red by Martha Wells

opens in a new windowIn a corporate-dominated spacefaring future, planetary missions must be approved and supplied by the Company. Exploratory teams are accompanied by Company-supplied security androids, for their own safety.

But in a society where contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder, safety isn’t a primary concern.

On a distant planet, a team of scientists are conducting surface tests, shadowed by their Company-supplied ‘droid — a self-aware SecUnit that has hacked its own governor module, and refers to itself (though never out loud) as “Murderbot.” Scornful of humans, all it really wants is to be left alone long enough to figure out who it is.

But when a neighboring mission goes dark, it’s up to the scientists and their Murderbot to get to the truth.

Order Your Copy of All Systems Red for $1.99:

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opens in a new windowBinti by Nnedi Okorafor

opens in a new window

Her name is Binti, and she is the first of the Himba people ever to be offered a place at Oomza University, the finest institution of higher learning in the galaxy. But to accept the offer will mean giving up her place in her family to travel between the stars among strangers who do not share her ways or respect her customs.

Knowledge comes at a cost, one that Binti is willing to pay, but her journey will not be easy. The world she seeks to enter has long warred with the Meduse, an alien race that has become the stuff of nightmares. Oomza University has wronged the Meduse, and Binti’s stellar travel will bring her within their deadly reach.

If Binti hopes to survive the legacy of a war not of her making, she will need both the the gifts of her people and the wisdom enshrined within the University, itself — but first she has to make it there, alive.

Order Your Copy of Binti for $1.99:

opens in a new windowkindle eight opens in a new windownook eight opens in a new windowebooks eight opens in a new windowgoogle play eight opens in a new window opens in a new windowkobo eight

This offer ends December 1st.


On the Road: Tor/Forge Author Events in October

opens in a new windowTor/Forge authors are on the road in October! See who is coming to a city near you this month.

Elizabeth Bear,  opens in a new windowThe Stone in the Skull

opens in a new windowImage Placeholder of - 32

Tuesday, October 10
Odyssey Bookshop
South Hadley, MA
7:00 PM
In conversation with Scott Lynch.

Wednesday, October 11
Pandemonium Books and Games
Cambridge, MA
7:00 PM
In conversation with Scott Lynch.

Matt Goldman,  opens in a new windowGone to Dust

opens in a new windowPlace holder  of - 56

Sunday, October 29
Men of Mystery
Irvine Marriott Hotel
Irvine, CA
9:00 AM
Books provided by Mysterious Galaxy.

Erika Lewis,  opens in a new windowGame of Shadows

opens in a new windowImage Place holder  of - 77

Thursday, October 5
Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
7:00 PM

Seanan McGuire,  opens in a new windowDeadlands: Boneyard

opens in a new windowPoster Placeholder of - 66

Tuesday, October 17
Barnes & Noble
Seattle, WA
7:00 PM

Annalee Newitz,  opens in a new windowAutonomous

opens in a new windowPlaceholder of  -75

Tuesday, October 10
Harvard Book Store
Cambridge, MA
7:00 PM

Thursday, October 12
Washington, DC
6:30 PM

Friday, October 13
City Winery
New York, NY
8:00 PM
Cabinet of Wonders – also with Aparna Nancherla.

Linda Stasi,  opens in a new windowBook of Judas

opens in a new window

Tuesday, October 3
Waterside Health Club
New York, NY
6:30 PM

Brian Staveley,  opens in a new windowSkullsworn

opens in a new window

Sunday, October 15
Towne Book Center
Collegeville, PA
3:00 PM

Fran Wilde,  opens in a new windowHorizon

opens in a new window

Sunday, October 15
Casa Machado
San Diego, CA
6:00 PM
Books provided by Mysterious Galaxy. Also with Chuck Wendig and Kevin Hearne.

Tuesday, October 17
Borderlands Café
San Francisco, CA
6:00 PM
Also with Chuck Wendig and Kevin Hearne.

Wednesday, October 18
Powell’s Books
Beaverton, OR
7:00 PM
Also with Chuck Wendig and Kevin Hearne.

Thursday, October 19
University Temple United Methodist Church
Seattle, WA
7:00 PM
Books provided by the University Bookstore. Also with Chuck Wendig and Kevin Hearne.

Sunday, October 22
Fountain Bookstore
Richmond, VA
2:00 PM

Wednesday, October 25
SecurityScorecard Women in Tech Meetup
SecurityScorecard HQ
New York, NY
6:00 PM


New Releases: 9/19/17

Happy New Release Day! Here’s what went on sale today.

opens in a new windowAutonomous by Annalee Newitz

opens in a new windowPoster Placeholder of - 81 Earth, 2144. Jack is an anti-patent scientist turned drug pirate, traversing the world in a submarine as a pharmaceutical Robin Hood, fabricating cheap scrips for poor people who can’t otherwise afford them. But her latest drug hack has left a trail of lethal overdoses as people become addicted to their work, doing repetitive tasks until they become unsafe or insane.

Is freedom possible in a culture where everything, even people, can be owned?

opens in a new windowBook of Judas by Linda Stasi

opens in a new windowImage Place holder  of - 25 When her infant son is placed in mortal danger, New York City reporter Alessandra Russo is forced to save him by tracking down the missing pages of the Gospel of Judas, a heretical manuscript that was unearthed in Al-Minya, Egypt, in the 1970s. The manuscript declares that Judas was the beloved, not the betrayer, of Jesus.

The Gospel disappeared for decades before being rediscovered, rotted beyond repair, in a safety deposit box. Rumors insist that the most important pages had been stolen—pages that Alessandra now must find, if they even exist.

opens in a new windowNull States by Malka Older

opens in a new windowPlaceholder of  -62 The future of democracy is about to implode.

After the last controversial global election, the global infomocracy that has ensured thirty years of world peace is fraying at the edges. As the new Supermajority government struggles to establish its legitimacy, agents of Information across the globe strive to keep the peace and maintain the flows of data that feed the new world order.


opens in a new windowWords of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson

opens in a new windowImage Placeholder of - 52 Expected by his enemies to die the miserable death of a military slave, Kaladin survived to be given command of the royal bodyguards, a controversial first for a low-status “darkeyes.” Now he must protect the king and Dalinar from every common peril as well as the distinctly uncommon threat of the Assassin, all while secretly struggling to master remarkable new powers that are somehow linked to his honorspren, Syl.


opens in a new windowBloom into You Vol. 3 Story and art by Nakatani Nio

opens in a new windowDreamin’ Sun Vol. 3 Story and art by Ichigo Takano

opens in a new windowThe High School Life of a Fudanshi Vol. 2 Story and art by Michinoku Atami

opens in a new windowPlum Crazy! Tales of a Tiger-Striped Cat Vol. 2 Story and art by Hoshino Natsumi 

opens in a new windowThe Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth Vol. 4 Story by Aikawa Yu; Art by Atori Haruno

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