opens in a new windowTor Books is heading to San Diego Comic-Con!
Once again Tor (Booth #2707) continues our wildly popular *in-booth signings and giveaways, offering you a chance to meet your favorite authors up close and personal and pick up free books. We’ve got a great line up including appearances by: opens in a new windowBrandon Sanderson, opens in a new windowCharlie Jane Anders, opens in a new windowSusan Dennard, and more!
For excerpts, a spotlight on our newest authors, panel schedules, giveaway times and much more, please visit opens in a new And make sure to follow @TorBooks on Twitter for up to date information and last minute events.
Wednesday, July 8
- 7:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Charlie Jane Anders, opens in a new windowAll the Birds in the Sky
Thursday, July 9
- 12:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Del Howison, opens in a new windowMidian Unmade
- 1:00pm—2:00pm Resurgence of Science Fiction, Room 32AB
Welcome to the promised land, oh geeks and nerds: your time has come. Star Wars is getting new movies, and so is Star Trek. Andy Weir’s The Martian and John Scalzi’s opens in a new windowOld Man’s War are heading to the big and small screens and Mars One is looking for volunteers—Science Fiction and the draw of technology, futurism, space and the final frontier are hot on everyone’s mind. Come join Adam Christopher ( opens in a new windowMade To Kill), Margaret Stohl, Peter Clines, and others as they discuss this renaissance of SF and why now is an exciting time to live in, for both fiction and fact. - 2:30pm—3:00pm Signing to follow in the autographing area, Table AA06
- 1:30pm—2:30pm Authors of Epic Fantasy, Room 24ABC
How do you best describe stories of epic fantasy? Expansive worlds with long histories, huge casts of characters, political intrigue, massive battles, magic, legend, and much more… they are indeed epic! Join authors of fantasy fiction Peter Orullian ( opens in a new windowTrial of Intentions), Susan Dennard ( opens in a new windowTruthwitch), Peter Brett, and others as they discuss their own works, as well as other popular series that have made epic fantasy one of pop culture’s most successful genres. - 3:00pm—4:00pm Signing to follow in the autographing area, Table AA09
- 2:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Greg Van Eekhout, opens in a new windowPacific Fire
- 3:00pm—4:00pm Worldbuilding, Room 25ABC
Fact: worlds are important. But how are they made? Join our panel of top authors as they describe how they set the stage for their stories and create a living universe for their characters. Moderated by Charlie Jane Anders ( opens in a new windowAll the Birds in the Sky). - 4:30pm—5:30pm Signing to follow in the autographing area, Table AA09
- 4:00pm—5:00pm I’m Sleeping with the Lights On: Horror and Thriller Authors in Discussion, Room 25ABC
Horror and thriller books have an amazing way of keeping readers up at night. From demons to zombies, and from historical to even seemingly mundane settings, certain authors can find bone-chilling ways to make sure the reader keep turning the pages. Join Robert Brockway ( opens in a new windowThe Unnoticeables), Mary Kubica, Matthew Riley, and others as they discuss their books and what motivates them to scare you! Moderated by Del Howison ( opens in a new windowMidian Unmade), owner of the Dark Delicacies Bookstore. - 5:30pm—6:30pm Signing to follow in the autographing area, Table AA09
- 5:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Alan Gratz, opens in a new windowThe League of Seven
Friday, July 10
- 11:30am—12:30pm Gender in Science Fiction, Room 24ABC
Pizza rolls, not gender roles! From the strong female protagonist to the battle of the sexes, Science Fiction has long given us the ability to challenge the way we think about traditional gender roles. Come listen to Maryelizbeth Yturralde, owner of the bookstore Mysterious Galaxy, lead acclaimed authors such as Wes Chu ( opens in a new windowTime Salvager), Nick Cole, and more in a discussion about the importance of gender in Science Fiction, how Science Fiction novels open our minds to non-traditional ideas, and just what is the difference between gender and sex. - 1:00pm—2:00pm Signing to follow in the autographing area, Table AA09
- 12:00pm—1:00pm Autographing Area, Table AA18 Signing: Luis Royo, opens in a new windowThe Ice Dragon
- 12:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Robert Brockway, opens in a new windowThe Unnoticeables
- 2:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: opens in a new windowBrandon Sanderson In-booth sales by Mysterious Galaxy
- 5:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Wesley Chu, opens in a new windowTime Salvager
Saturday, July 11th
- 12:00pm—1:00pm Family Feud: Sci-Fi vs. Fantasy, Room 7AB
Calling all Nerds! Since the dawn of time we have argued and contemplated crucial matters: What’s cooler? Who would win in a fight? Who would lose? Star Trek or Star Wars? Ironman or Captain America? Now, in an open forum, join us as other diehard Nerds and geek experts—including Brandon Sanderson ( opens in a new windowMistborn series), Chuck Palahniuk, Ernie Cline, and others—prove their mettle by squaring off into furious debates about the hottest topics in geek culture. - 1:30pm—2:30pm Signing to follow in the autographing area, Table AA09
- 12:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Peter Orullian, opens in a new windowTrial of Intentions
- 2:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Susan Dennard, opens in a new windowTruthwitch, and Sarah J. Maas, opens in a new windowThrone of Glass
- 4:00pm—5:00pm Epic Fantasy, Room 29AB
Learn about fantasy literature and book-to-movie adaptations from New York Times bestselling authors Heather Brewer, Jonathan Maberry, Kami Garcia, Brandon Sanderson ( opens in a new windowMistborn series) and Maggie Stiefvater. Moderated by Henry Herz.
- 5:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Adam Christopher, opens in a new windowMade to Kill
Sunday, July 12
- 3:45pm—4:45pm What’s Hot in YA, Room 5AB With Susan Dennard ( opens in a new windowTruthwitch) and Alan Gratz ( opens in a new windowDragon Lantern)
All Tor Booth signings are on a first come first serve basis and while supplies lasts. Limit one book per person.